Partner with us
Generate lasting impact
Reach and create conscious consumers for your business or public needs.
We guide people to make daily dining decisions that lead to environmental and social benefit.
Table Sage enables more meaningful dining experiences, creates a healthier restaurant industry, and moves communities towards a more sustainable and inclusive future. Our curated search tool, resource sharing, and collaborations facilitate these objectives across stakeholders.
Partners help to make this possible while furthering their own, like-minded objectives.
Select services

For eateries
Looking for business guidance or creative assistance to expand your reach? We offer...
Strategic consulting
With over 15 years of experience in sustainable business development and a focus on impact brands and the food industry, we can work with you to strengthen your foundation and grow your client base. Happy to work on projects of any size, we offer high-level assessments as well as in-depth research and operational assistance to help your food business succeed in today’s rapidly changing environment.
Video storytelling
Through our partnerships with expert videographers, we help you to tell your story in a relevant and resonating way. Reach out to us for more information on our three package offerings to find the best fit for your needs.

For brands
Scouting diverse, up-and-coming food/ lifestyle brands to sponsor? We offer...
Conscious consumer targeting
With a following and web-based traffic that grows monthly, we are a steady and promising source of conscious communications and impact that you can stand by. Expand your own brand’s reach by sponsoring our activities and content. Service offerings can be made to measure for a best-fit match.
International market expansion
As our scope is to launch in additional European and U.S-based cities beginning in late 2021 (with further expansion to come), we encourage brands that plan to grow into or expand within these markets to target the sponsoring of specific city launches for mutual benefit.

For public institutions
Seeking private partnerships to further your objectives in sustainability and inclusion? We offer...
Conscious consumer creation
Cities and school districts are increasingly working towards a healthier future for all. By launching in or expanding within your jurisdiction, we help you to meet these goals by attracting and educating residents that are becoming increasingly aligned with this mission. Contact us to discuss how we can best assist with your development goals.
Eco-tourism generation
Drawing upon our background in urban and environmental planning, we’re here to actively support— whether you wish to increase visitors within your area or transition existing ones to a more conscious set. Example programs include directing tourists to specific districts or highlighting certain types of restaurants within your jurisdiction using targeted content and marketing. Through research and analytics, we can track trends as well as before-and-after figures to provide impact validation for your teams.
Case studies

Beginning in Spring 2021, we partnered with the Dutch social enterprise, Afrii to increase awareness and bring fun to enjoying diverse food cultures in Amsterdam. Starting with a video series showcasing three African restaurants, we combined interviews, tastings, and imagery of both restaurant ambience and meal prep in an accessible way.
Over the course of several months, this campaign brought exposure to restaurant owners and chefs from diverse backgrounds (here, men and women of Moroccan, West- and South African affiliation) and increased education for eaters previously unfamiliar with their personal and cultural stories.

Tasters from our collaboration with Afrii learn more about South African cuisine at Lion's Head in Amsterdam, teaching viewers along the way.

ING Bank
In Summer 2021, we were invited by the Dutch bank, ING to speak about how Diversity & Inclusion can be integrated into the lives of its employees. Through this in-person panel that was broadcasted digitally, our founder shared how Table Sage's unique Diversity filter for finding recommended restaurants is a great tool for supporting local businesses that add to community development in a positive way.
The talk was part of ING's Diversity & Inclusion week for its internal personal development program, and was a big success in bringing people and perspectives together in a multi-formatted way.

Our founder joins another local business owner and ING program managers in discussing Diversity & Inclusion for community and personal development.

Hogeschool van Amsterdam
The HvA's Robot Lab approached Table Sage to become a multi-year partner as it worked to see how regional waste wood could be re-used within hospitality and at scale through the application of technology. From 2022-2024, our organization has been one of about a dozen local leaders in academia, design/ construction, hotels, and food & beverage.
Through this partnership, Table Sage provided feedback and insights about the local restaurant industry and its aptitude towards using waste wood as a resource. Interviews with stakeholders and site visits with students brought valuable information to the school's research team.

A site visit to the sustainable Café de Ceuvel showed HvA students the potential for using waste wood within a hospitality setting.
Let's discuss!
Reach and create conscious consumers through our services.